Streaming & Downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, Magazines, Movies, & More
Access to all of these is FREE with your library card! If you need a little help figuring out how to use any of these resources, we have easy online tutorials available for you.
Libby by OverDrive

With Libby by OverDrive, you can borrow and enjoy free eBooks, audiobooks, digital magazines, and more from your library’s digital collection directly to your mobile device or tablet. All you need to get started is an internet connection and a library card. You get to keep digital items you’ve borrowed for two weeks and your items simply expire from your device at the end of your borrowing period. Not finished with it yet? No problem, you can immediately borrow it again as long as there is no waiting list.

Instantly borrow free digital movies and music 24/7. From Hollywood blockbusters to best-selling artists you’ll soon discover that hoopla provides you the freedom to explore and enjoy what you want, when you want it. While downloading is possible, it is not required. Simple to access and easy to use, without the hassle of having to return the items you’ve borrowed, all you need is your library card, Internet access, and a smart phone or tablet to get started.
Mango Languages

With more than 70 languages and over 20 English courses designed from the perspective of the learner’s native language, Mango Languages offers a rich, immersive experience that includes intuitive language and culture lessons designed by linguists and voiced by native speakers. Mango Languages is accessible in the library and at home using a computer or apps for iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Know what types of books you like to read but don’t know exactly which book to read? Like a cozy mystery, a sarcastic teen, a strong female lead, or a quirky detective? Want to find similar books? NoveList has been helping readers find their next favorite book for more than 20 years. Simply create a profile with your library card and select your preferences and NoveList will search the catalog of books to help pick out ones that match your criteria. We know there are too many books to sort through on your own, let us help!