The library underscores its commitment to provide free basic library services to its citizens of Bossier Parish. This policy sets forth fees associated for value-added services for photocopies, printing, and faxes. These fees help the library defray costs, conserve resources, and ensure equity-of-access standards.

Printing & Copying

It is the library’s objective to provide easily accessible information that meets the patrons’ needs. They may use copy machines to photocopy information from Library materials. Patrons may also print or copy personal materials and may be allowed to use their own paper at the discretion of staff. Fees still apply when using own paper.


This service is provided to offer increased convenience to patrons who need to retrieve and deliver documents quickly. When materials must be faxed between branches, it is difficult to determine in advance whether the information meets the patron’s need. For this reason, the library does not charge for faxed information when the patron in the receiving branch evaluates its usefulness and returns the material to the desk. The library will not fax copies of materials for which contractual agreements prohibit photocopying. Faxing may not be available at all locations.


Scanning of personal documents to a USB flash drive or to an email address is provided free of charge. To ensure fair and equitable access to this service, patrons:

  • Must provide their own USB flash drive
  • Are allowed two (2) scans per patron per day
  • Are allowed a maximum of 30 pages total
  • Must type in the address if scanning to an email address (scanning to an email address is not available at all library locations)


  • Photocopying or computer printing in 10¢ per page; regardless of whether it is a black and white or color copy.
  • Sending faxes is $1.00 for every 20 pages.
  • Receiving faxes is 10¢ per page.
  • There is no fee for scanning services.

Acceptable Payment Methods

The library accepts payment in cash or personal check. Checks will be accepted for the exact amount of fines and/or fees only. Patrons must have a current library card in good standing with correct name, address, and telephone number, and a picture ID to be able to use a check as a payment method. 

Checks are accepted only in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Checks must have a valid, nine-digit bank routing number (ABA code) MICR-encoded and the account number on the bottom of the check. The library cannot accept starter checks or checks with names and/or addresses handwritten or typed in.

A valid, legal form of photo identification must be provided for verification purposes.

Charges for the amount of original payment will be added back to a patron’s account when a check is returned from the bank for any reason. Borrowing and other library privileges may be suspended until payment is made to the library in accordance with this policy.

Bossier Parish Library reserves the right to refuse a check as a payment method if a previous check has been returned unpaid.

Upcoming Events

This event is in the "Central Library Complex" group.
This event is in the "Aulds Library Branch" group.
This event is in the "Benton Library Branch" group.
This event is in the "East 80 Library Branch" group.
This event is in the "Haughton Library Branch" group.
This event is in the "History Center" group.
This event is in the "Plain Dealing Library Branch" group.
This event is in the "Tooke Library Branch" group.

Presidents' Day

All Day
Central Library Complex, Aulds Library Branch, Benton Library Branch, East 80 Library Branch, Haughton Library Branch, History Center, Plain Dealing Library Branch, Tooke Library Branch

All libraries closed.

This event is in the "East 80 Library Branch" group.

Sensory Room

11:00am - 3:00pm
East 80 Library Branch
Teen (High School), Adult
Library Branch: East 80 Library Branch
Room: East 80 Meeting Room
Age Group: Teen (High School), Adult
Program Type: One-on-One Appointment, Personal Improvement
Event Details:

We offer a quiet, relaxing space where patrons ages 16 and up, can read, enjoy sensory objects and activities, and listen to lo-fi music.

This event is in the "Haughton Library Branch" group.

Seated Exercise

9:30am - 10:00am
Haughton Library Branch
Library Branch: Haughton Library Branch
Room: Haughton Branch
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Personal Improvement
This event is in the "Benton Library Branch" group.

Homeschool Connections

11:00am - 12:00pm
Benton Library Branch
Children, Tween (Middle School), Teen (High School)
Library Branch: Benton Library Branch
Room: Benton Branch Meeting Room
Age Group: Children, Tween (Middle School), Teen (High School)
Program Type: Crafts, DIY, & Games, Food, Health & Sciences, STEAM
Event Details:

The Benton staff will facilitate an academically-themed, hands-on hour of activities for area homeschooled students.

This event is in the "Benton Library Branch" group.

Crochet Club

5:00pm - 6:45pm
Benton Library Branch
All Ages
Library Branch: Benton Library Branch
Room: Benton Branch
Age Group: All Ages
Program Type: Crafts, DIY, & Games
Event Details:

Whether a beginner or an expert, you're welcome to join our Crochet Club. If you're looking to try a new hobby or just hang out with friends while making cool creations, this might just be the club for you!

This event is in the "Central Library Complex" group.

Chess Club

6:00pm - 7:00pm
Central Library Complex
Tween (Middle School), Teen (High School), Adult
Library Branch: Central Library Complex
Age Group: Tween (Middle School), Teen (High School), Adult
Program Type: Crafts, DIY, & Games
Event Details:

Do you want to learn how to play chess? Or would you like to brush up on your chess skills? All players are welcome no matter the skill level. Come to learn or come to play! For more information, call the library at (318) 746-1693!