What is BPL Delivers?
BPL Delivers helps fulfill the library's mission by offering services to Bossier Parish residents who are homebound due to illness, disability, age, or are otherwise physically unable to visit the library. Residents are considered homebound if they have a condition that restricts their ability to leave their place of residence without assistance. In most circumstances, if a resident drives, the individual would not be considered homebound. For more information, read our full BPL Delivers Policy.
Who is Eligible for BPL Delivers?
To qualify for home deliver service, patrons must reside in Bossier Parish, have a valid library card (or qualify to sign up for one), provide documented eligibility from a qualified health professional, or otherwise meet the definition of homebound as established by the library.
- The individual is not typically able to leave home without assistance.
- The individual should not leave home unless accompanied by a responsible person.
- When the individual leaves home, it must be to get medical care or for short, infrequent reasons.
- The individual leaves the home once a week or less.
- The individual cannot afford a vehicle and lives in a community which does not offer mass transportation, or one in which the mass transportation routes do not stop near the library.
- The individual lives in long-term or short-term health facilities where group transportation is the norm.
How Does BPL Delivers Work?
Getting Started
- Individuals must initially register for home delivery service by completing the BPL Delivers Application & Interest Form (below) or print and mail the form.
Borrowing Items
- Participants may borrow up to twenty-five (25) items per delivery, after an initial delivery of five (5) items at start of service. Limit of 2 DVD per delivery
- All items are borrowed for a period of 30 days, with the option of one (1) renewal for an additional two (2) week period.
- Participants may not borrow reference materials, high-demand items, magazines, or History Center items.
- Selection of items for each delivery will be made by information supplied on the application or by request.
Delivery of Items
- Materials will be delivered either by the BPL Delivers Coordinator or by an assigned library representative.
- The BPL Delivers Coordinator will drop off the materials at the door; under no circumstances will the Coordinator enter the patron's home unless prior agreements have been made due to necessity.